How to Start an Online School

How to Start an Online School

How to Start an Online School: Go From Ideation to Realization in Nine Easy Steps Credit: logitech Online schools are far from being a novel concept. For many people, they are an innovative and practical way to continue the education that they interrupted at some...
Creating a School Vision Statement

Creating a School Vision Statement

A Detailed Guide to Creating a School Vision Statement Credit: JB Hi-Fi A school vision statement is a mirror image of the school’s purpose. If you tried to recall your high school vision statement right now, you likely wouldn’t be able to quite put your...
How to Start a School

How to Start a School

How to Start a School in Your State With No Previous Experience Image source: Javier Trueba, Unsplash If you’re passionate about education and have often thought about starting your own school, you wouldn’t be alone. With approximately 34,576 private schools in the...
How to Create School Schedule

How to Create School Schedule

Rethinking the School Timetable: How to Create a School Schedule That Works Credit: Prime Timetable The educational system in the United States is in a state of flux. Fed up with the rigid programs of the past, educators across the country found creative and...
The Ultimate Guide to Shaping School Culture

The Ultimate Guide to Shaping School Culture

Shaping School Culture — The Key Element for Creating a Successful High School Credit: Elite Academic There is something impalpable and inexplicable about the school we attend or work in — a permeating feeling that we take with us and remember most profoundly about...
The Importance of School Culture Explained

The Importance of School Culture Explained

The Importance of School Culture for a Healthy Working and Learning Environment Credit: School culture was long identified with the day-to-day management of the school, and the strongest emphasis was placed on its policies and various rules of conduct that...